Update or completely remodel your Bathroom
An updated bathroom that enhances function can not only add value to your house, but can also make things eco -friendly. This will significantly decrease monthly bills as well as reduce your carbon footprint in the process. Bathroom remodels can range from updating the plumbing, making better use of your space, or creating the bathroom of your dreams. You can choose to design the bathroom to fit you and your family’s needs and functions or create a dream space to help you unwind and take care of your well being at the end of a long work day.
If you want the look and feel of an updated and new bathroom without the pressure and expense of a complete remodel, or if you want to completely gut your bath and start with something brand new, our services are for you. Our team of experts will help guide you by providing plans and selections that meet your vision for the space according to your budget and time frame. The selections can include anything from plumbing (eco-friendly plumbing can include, sink faucets, shower fixtures, tub and toilet), lighting, tiles, flooring, cabinets, hardware and paint.
Ready to enjoy your bathroom? Book a free consultation here.